Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tonight I completed everything that is required for stage 1 to be fully playable. However I am not publicly releasing it until stage 2 is also playable, which is a pretty straight forward task. All I need to add on stage two are:

-Setup Gates
-Adjust cart paths (so the cart appears to roll along the track)
-Add Ammo and Health
-Add lighting for interiors
-Create team specific spawn doors
-Create "no-build" area to prevent engineers from building in the spawn
-Finish the skybox
-Unique Stage logic

Stage Logic
Like the first stage the 2nd stage is going to give a team a slight advantage over a set time. On the first stage I kept things pretty simple, the only change made is that off the rollback speed of the cart when it is on a rollback hill and isn't being touched by friendly players. On the 2nd stage I could easily apply the same variables to the cart as the first stage, but that wouldn't be any fun now would it? While testing the first stage I discovered that a 15% or 25% speed difference really isn't all that noticeable. At first I made the advantage be a 25% reduced rollback speed. For a team without the advantage their cart would rollback at 100% speed, the team with it, rolled back at 75% max speed.

My current thinking of the stage 2 advantage is to change the cart speed on all surfaces. Overall it will have a 15% speed increase on flat terrain and perhaps utilize the same sort of logic as the previous stage. The latest iteration of stage 2 features 1 large uphill and 3 small ones. I am conflicted on whether I want to allow the this hill to be a rollback or not, or to have the cart roll up it at a slower speed than normal. I cannot ignore the fact that this hill is such a natural chokepoint. It is painfully obvious even before playtesting. It is one of those areas where the first one to the top will likely push on to victory. Perhaps a playtester might have quality input.

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